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Leonard Frauscher

Community service

Research statement

Ever since my early childhood I consider myself to be a knowledge hungry Person. Empirical work is what especially fascinates me about science. I have a certain preference for learning curious facts and hope to one day be the one who discovers and describes new findings.

Personal interests

I have a wide range of interests, and the more I think about it, the harder it becomes for me to choose among them. However, these interests can broadly be categorized into two groups: sports and technology/natural sciences.
In terms of sports, I have participated in various activities, including swimming, soccer, table tennis, volleyball, and fitness training. Nevertheless, what matters most to me in sports are the people I engage with.
The second area of interest, technology, and natural sciences, is where I see as my future career field. This is why I chose a secondary school with a focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and graduated in mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Curriculum Vitae Leonard Frauscher

Professional career

Since July 2022
Civil servant at the EB-Haus Austria



Matura at BRG Salzburg


Additional qualification

Cambridge Certificate C2
ECDL Standart
Känguru der Mathematik 2023 3rd place

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